

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Coach's Meeting: Happiness vs. Blessedness

This past weekend we kicked off our Psalms study at church.  I'm super excited about it.  I love the Psalms. It's where I go when I don't know where to go, ya know? :)

We had a guest speaker to kick off the series, Gary Zustiak.  He's a professor from Ozark Christian College, where Jeff & I both went to school.  Jeff got a Bachelor's of Christian Education and I got a MRS.  Get it?  MRS. as in Married!  That's a joke among Ozark students! :)

He covered Psalm 1 and his title was "Do you want to be happy?"  He challenged us to look at what happiness really means.  His whole message was on my mind all week, so I thought I'd share how it spoke to me.

The word "happiness" comes from the word "hap" which means luck or chance.  So by definition of the word, happiness really depends upon luck or chance, not on anything we do.  Chance implies that it still may not happen!  Worldly happiness is really temporary.  He gave us a statistic that stated "according to one study it has been scientifically proven that money, love, and health, combined, can only increase your happiness up to 10%."

It made me think of the Declaration of Independence. Our forefathers wrote:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

The pursuit of happiness...hmmm...they didn't say life, liberty, and happiness....they said the "pursuit of happiness."  They seemed to know that happiness isn't just a given, happiness isn't a "right" but rather the pursuit or chance of happiness is a right.  Maybe happiness isn't really "happiness"....

The world tells us that we have the "right" to forsake or sacrifice anything to gain our own personal "happiness".  That it's OK to sacrifice our morals, our family, our relationships, as long as it makes US happy, right?  To heck with the consequences of our actions!  That doesn't matter, because I am happy!  The world also tells us that we should move on to that next great thing because that will bring us happiness.

It's really easy to fall into that trap.  We tend to justify our actions by saying, "Well, God wants me to be happy.  God doesn't want me to be miserable."  No he doesn't.  But I think he'd rather "bless us" for our obedience than let us be happy.

Zustiak defined blessedness as being Biblically blessed, "a lasting joy in spite of the circumstances that surround us."  Wow, to possess joy in spite of what goes on around us! To be happy without having to compromise our principles! Lasting joy not temporary happiness.

That is what I want!  I want a lasting joy that is not dependent upon anyone or anything else.  That sounds so much better than a "chance" at being happy!

How can we be blessed?  Well first, we turn our life over to God.  We acknowledge him as our creator and have a desire to honor him with our obedience.

There are some days I look around me and can't find a reason to be happy.  My long-term happiness can't rest in the latest and greatest gadget, biggest or best house, or most fabulous vacation.  Don't get me wrong it's not wrong to have those things, but it is wrong to LIVE for those things. If my happiness depends upon those things, I'll always be left wanting more. But if I look at the ways in which God has blessed me, I can find joy AND contentment.

He HAS given me an amazing husband who has a desire to love and serve God, who loves me in spite of my selfishness, who works so hard to support us so that I can stay home to raise the boys.
He HAS given me 4 amazing boys to raise.  For years we didn't think we'd have any children, but here we are, 4 beautiful and healthy boys!  I'm still unsure why God made them ALL boys!   There must be a lesson in that, somewhere...ya think? :)

So I challenge you, if you don't "feel" like you are happy, try looking for the ways that God has blessed your life.  I guarantee you, you can find some joy and more than likely a reason to be content!

If you'd like to watch the sermon here it is:  Do you want to be happy?

I pray that these words may help you in some way! :)



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