

Friday, October 11, 2013

Trainer Notes: Stop Growing Already!

So the boys decided they needed to go through their pants to see if they fit.  The temperature has dropped down in the 50's the last couple of nights.  So of course that means they have been digging into their winter clothes, because they are "freezing"! LOL

The entire fashion show was a hoot.  They are so dramatic.  Eli was so sad that his two pair of corduroy pants don't fit anymore.  "Oh NO these were my favorite pants because they are so comfy!"

Behold, my growing little weeds!

Do you think they've grown since February? :)

I tell them all the time that if they don't stop growing, am I going to ground them!  They think that's so funny!

I know I can't stop them from growing, which makes me sad, but I CAN enjoy them right now, highwaters and all! :)

How are you going to enjoy your kiddos today?  It seems we'll be preparing for a flood! ;)



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