

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Happy 1/2 Birthday Micah!

Our Mr. Peanut is 6 months old!  CRA-AZY!  It has literally FLOWN by!

He is full of personality and smiles!  People are amazed at how happy he is!  I always say that to survive in this house, he has no choice! :-)  All joking aside, he really is a happy boy.  Out of all 4 boys, he has probably been the most chatty.  I think that has to do with the fact that there is always somebody in his face! :)

He's a great sleeper, sleeping every night at least 12 hrs. and quite often 14.  He hates tummy time and immediately rolls to his back when I put him on his tummy.  He's loving his cereal.  I really should feed it to him two times a day now, since he gobbles it all up so well.  He's loving his jumperoo and still enjoys his swing.  He loves his brothers and they are really sweet with him!

I don't have his current stats.  He doesn't go to the dr. for another week or two.

He is such a sweet boy and so very content!  :)  Answered prayer, let me tell ya! :)

Good Morning!

Here's his sideways smile like Daddy!

No upper lip, just like the older 3! :)

I am so thankful to God for this little guy!  What a blessing he is! :)



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