

Monday, July 29, 2013

2 Days until Eat @HOME Aug. begins!!

Hi friends!  The countdown is on...2 days until Eat @ HOME August begins!

Our family is committing to eating meals @ HOME or from HOME for the entire month of August!  I know it sounds crazy, right?!  It is, BUT I'm excited to see how much money we can save!  To tell you the truth, I'm kind of excited about the challenge.  I probably won't be so excited on week #2!  :)

So who's in?  Anybody out there brave enough to try the whole month?  If your schedule needs a bit more flexibility, maybe you could do a modified version.

You could commit to:
Bringing your lunch everyday to work.
Eating @ HOME every week night.
Eating @ HOME for the weekend.
Giving up your Starbucks/Quicktrip drink stop.

The point of this isn't necessarily to "go without" but rather to help make us aware of how much money we waste because we don't plan well, or we take the easy way out!  I am SO guilty of that!  When I don't plan what to cook, before I know it the clock says 5:00 and everything we own is frozen.  DUH Kristee! :)  Or even worse, the days I just say, "forget it" and call Jeff and he stops for pizza on his way home. Guilty! :(  Please tell me I'm not alone!  I can't be the only one who sometimes fails at taking care of their family!

In case you missed it, this is my menu for the challenge.  I'll be reviewing several new recipes and sharing how my team liked them!

I hope some of you will join us! :)  If not, I hope that some of you will at least enjoy a couple of new recipes!  Comment below if you are planning on joining us in one way or another.  I'd love to know who I can complain , oops commiserate, with! :)



Jenna said...

We are on a tight budget for August and September, so this will be our default anyway!

Good challenge!

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