

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Trainer Tip: Pizza Pizza!

My team loves homemade pizza, especially cheesy sticks!  I like to make it so it works out well! ;)  Back in January, before Micah was born I mixed up a couple of batches of homemade pizza dough and had tucked it away in the freezer.  I was hoping it would save some much precious time later down the road.  Well, fast forward 5 months, I just remembered I had it! :)

I dug it out, took it out of the baggie, and plopped it in a bowl yesterday morning.  By the evening it was completely thawed and all I had to do is roll it out in the pans!  It was pretty awesome.  It eliminated the measuring and mixing.  Sure it probably only saved me 10 minutes, BUT sometimes 10 minutes is all it takes for complete chaos to break out in my house! :)  I don't know about you, but that is especially true with my team at dinner time!

Anyway, just wanted to pass that along!  Try mixing up your favorite pizza dough and freezing it.  I felt like a rock star yesterday already knowing at 9 a.m. what I was making for dinner! :)

I love time saving tips.  Anyone out there have any great ones to share?



Anonymous said...

Love this idea! I usually freeze leftover pancakes or French toast. For those mornings it takes me an hour to wake up. ;) Rosa W.

Kristeeleeh said...

I LOVE frozen pancakes! I've recently begun freezing "less than perfect" strawberries & blueberries, for smoothies! Perfect for those berries that my picky team has deemed inedible. Nothing wasted and they never even know! :)A great tip someone shared with me.

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