

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Summer Play Book: Fry an Egg Outside

Well we tried this one a few days ago, and we were pretty bummed.  I had high expectations, probably a bit misguided probably due to the movies.  Jeff & I both thought we'd see some sizzling action when the egg hit the ground!  I guess we were a bit naive. :)

When we told the boys what we were doing, they were like:  What?  Why?  Eli was concerned about us wasting eggs.  (Sure, he is concerned about wasting things but could care less about smacking his brothers around!)

Anyway we tried it two different ways.  The first time, we put an old cookie sheet out in the yard for several hours thinking the sun might heat it up.  After several hours we went out and tested it.  This is what happened:

Yep that's right, nothing!  Not a sizzle, not even the faintest sign of being cooked.  Lame-O! :)

So we thought we just crack one straight on the road.  Maybe, just maybe it would be hot enough.  So this is what happened:

Again, nothing!  We stood there for a few minutes waiting with anticipation.  But since it was 118 degrees outside, we didn't wait too long!  We thought we'd come back out and check later.  

Well later, we noticed that a neighbor drove over the egg in the road.  What was left was now completely dried out and didn't even remotely resemble an egg.  The egg on the pan, well, I looked out the back door to see one of the 5 or 6 feral neighborhood cats chowing down!  (I hate those cats!  They poop all over the yard!) 

Now I know what you're thinking, "Gee Kristee, I could have told you that wouldn't work!" That's OK, chances are I would have tried it anyway! :)  That's just how I am.  :)  Has anyone EVER had success with this?

Oh well, it was mildly amusing.  I hope this saves you the trouble!  Of course, if you just want to "waste" some eggs, go ahead!  Knock yourself out!  :)



Brenda Maple said...

Next time try dashboard cookies. I've heard that works a lot better (plus you get a yummy treat and a great smelling car when you're done!) - Brenda :)

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