

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Confession: I'm a Junk Hider!

I can't believe I'm posting this picture! :)  But, yes, that IS my floor!   

I was sweeping up the living room a couple of weeks ago and moved my couch!  BIG mistake!  And like a crazy woman, I HAD to take a picture!  (Someday I'll need evidence to prove to my boys all of the ways they have driven me crazy!)  I have thought about that picture a lot in the past couple of weeks.  And I wanted to share some thoughts with you about it.

You see, all of that "junk" was hiding out under my couch.  I'm not proud of this, but hey, just keepin' it real folks!  :)  

Let's play a quick game of I Spy, shall we?

I spy:
at least 3 dirty socks
a jolly rancher
a lollipop stick
a Gogurt Wrapper
Some Goldfish
A peanut butter cracker
Monopoly Money
A Dum-Dum wrapper
A Cheerio
A Cheeto
A headless Lego Man
One goggle lens
An empty push pop container
A Straw wrapper
A bouncy ball
A wand
And countless other things that I can't even figure out what they are

You see, I am a junk-hider!

I promise you, I sweep my living room floor.  I know what you are thinking, "Yeah, OK!  Sure you do!"  I do sweep!  But let me tell you how I do it.  I do a quick sweep up around the furniture and in front of the door and through the doorway into the kitchen. 

So you may ask, "How in the world did you miss all of that junk?"

Well, I didn't dig into my couch.  I didn't do the heavy lifting of moving the couch out of the way to see what had accumulated under it. 

Why not?

Because sometimes it's just too much work and I'm tired! :)  Can I get an amen?   If I don't move my couch, I can't "see" the junk.  I MAY know it's there, but I know that no one else can see it.

You see, it's sooo much easier to do the work that people will notice.  Doing just enough to look good.  Doing just enough to get by.

I could try and argue that my floor is clean.  You can't see any of my "junk" so it has to be clean, right?

Nope, because I'm a junk-hider!

Junk...don't we all have junk?  We have junk hidden in our closets, our garages, some of us may even have a little "junk in our trunks!"  :)  But what about the junk that's hidden in our hearts?  What about the failures, the hurts, the pain, and the struggles that we hide deep within ourselves that we keep hidden from everyone else.  What about that "junk" that's weighing us down.  That "junk" that no one even knows is there because we present ourselves as "junk free"!

Guess what?  It doesn't work! We ALL have "junk".  

So what do we do with it?  I say we yank it out, dig it out, and deal with it!  God doesn't want us to live paralyzed by our past.  He wants us to live life abundantly!  He gave us Jesus so that we can live "junk free".  
Jesus said in John 10:10
10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

God gave us Jesus so that we can give Jesus our "junk".  What a wonderful gift!  A trade that is in NO way even!  But God did it because He LOVES us, even in spite of our "junk".

Because of Jesus, our "junk" doesn't have to stay with us.
Because of Jesus, we can be forgiven of our "junk".
Because of Jesus, we can forgive others of their "junk".
Because of Jesus, there is NOTHING that can separate us from God love for us.


So if you are a fellow "junk-hider" and are holding on to "junk", get in there and dig it out.  Deal with it!  Give if ALL up!  You don't need it!  Jesus can handle it!  What are you waiting for?

If you need guidance, see a counselor!
If you need prayer, call a prayer warrior!
If you need to know more about who Jesus is, ask!

Go and live your "life to the full"!  That's God's plan for you!

Do you need one more laugh for today?  

Here is what's under my couch this morning, August 31, 2013!

Yep, I still have a few things to learn! :)  So does my team! 



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