

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Player Updates: Noah & Kindergarten

Well we've made it through 2 whole weeks of school!  Noah has transitioned into Kindergarten so well.  He is loving it.  He's not cried at all and hasn't even fought against going.  He's quick to get ready every morning and get out the door.

He's a very quiet guy at school.  He keeps telling us that he goes all day without talking to anyone.  Of course then he grins like a crazy person & we know he's "stretching" the truth  lying.  He's also made up the story that a kid punched him in the face because he wouldn't play with him.  :)

Anyway, he's really doing great!  I can tell that his confidence has already grown and that he's proud to be a "big kid".  He says his favorite part of the day is snack and lunch!  As he says, "it's because I like to eat!"

Today he came home with a special sticker.  He earned it because he was a "good listener" in his class!  He was so proud!  We were too!  That is until he showed us where he wanted to put his sticker...
Crazy Boy!

We are really proud of this little guy and love him to pieces!!



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