

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Trainer Tips: Bible Printables

So a couple of weeks ago I went a little crazy on Pinterest.  I had seen free printables floating around Pinterest for some time.  I had never actually printed any of the ones I had "pinned".  And much to my excitement, I figured out just how easy it was.

For some time, Jeff & I had been trying to figure out a way to incorporate more Bible verses around the house.  In the past, we've just written them on note cards and have stuck them on the fridge, wall, and bathroom mirrors.  That works OK, but it really doesn't look "pretty".

So I ran across all of these printables and the light bulb came on.  I just printed them up on some card stock.  I'm not sure how long the will last without fading.  If you were concerned about them fading, you could print them out on photo paper or even send them to your favorite photo printing site.  I'm not too worried about that for now.  I hope to keep accumulating more so that I can rotate new ones in, if they begin to look too faded.  You can print them to any size you want.  Several of them had different color options as well.

As for the frames, I just went cheap.  I found so many verses to print, I knew I'd never be able to purchase expensive ones.  I opted for IKEA.  I was able to find some for $1.99 each.  Of course since they are from IKEA, they are a strange size, 8.5 X 11.  So keep that in mind when printing, if you opt to use them.  You will want to make sure your picture is centered for 8.5 X 11 rather than printing an 8 X 10.  Some of mine aren't exactly even, which I'm OK with.  :)

Here is what I came up with!   Did I mention they were all FREE?

If you'd like links to these freebies.  You can check the out HERE on my PRINTABLE Board on Pinterest.  I don't think that they are all on there.  Some of the sites that I pinned had multiple free printables, so you may just need to click around on their sites.  When I found more than more, I just printed it and didn't take the time to "pin" them all.

Now I just have to get them on the walls!  It certainly doesn't end with getting them put up.  We have to take the time to read them to the boys, and find ways to integrate them into day-to-day conversations.

Give these are try!  There are some really cute ones out there!  Let me know if you have any that you've found.  I was so surprised at how easy they were.  I'm also playing around with a couple of different sites to design my own.  Does anyone out there have experience with that?  I'd love some hints!!



Vanessa L. said...

Thank you for sharing!! I have a few verses written on scrap paper and taped around the house- it doesn't look pretty but I figure, at least it's there, right?

Eh.. not so much. If it were "prettier" I'd probably look at it more =)

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